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Pom-Pom Tree for Valentine’s Day

Tree of Love

Fun Valentine’s Project for you and the kids

Week 4 of the 5 Weeks of Love Challenge

I saw an idea like this as I was searching for a something else and can not find where I saved the website name. So if by chance anyone knows who just recently did a tutorial for something like this let me know and I will be sure to put their name on here as an inspiration to how this project came to light.  This was a lot of fun to work on with my little one. We played a counting game while we were holding the pom- poms on to set.

I wasn’t really sure how this was going to turn out but I wanted to give it a try anyway. I added the feathers for some extra flair and texture.

Honestly I think the hardest part was getting the support at the bottom just right to support the top.

The materials I used were

  • Pom-Poms
  • Chinelle Fuzzy Sticks
  • Glue
  • Feathers

These look really cute in the window cill or the table as Valentine’s Day Decorations. I made a purple one for myself. I thought it was one of those things that would look nice on a shelf in my crafting area.

Happy February!!!

Fuzzy Sticks Christmas Tree Ornaments

Fuzzy Sticks Christmas Tree Ornaments



A while back I had purchased a package of Fuzzy Sticks (pipe cleaners) at our local dollar store for $1.00 . I was trying to figure out what to do with them and decided to do what everyone does with them. So here are some quick 5 minute or less Christmas Tree Ornaments or Gift Topper ideas. I was really amazed at what I was able to get done while I was waiting for dinner to finish cooking. This is great for kids to do or as a last-minute decoration idea. I really liked working with the Fuzzy Sticks and I can’t wait to get spring colored sticks to continue working with them.

Below I posted the instructions and supplies that will be needed for each ornament. I hope you enjoy making these as much as we did!


Candy Cane

Supplies Needed:

  • 1 White Fuzzy Stick
  • 1 Red Fuzzy Stick 


  1. Bend the White Fuzzy Stick in half and then twist it together tightly
  2. Do the same for the Red Fuzzy Stick.
  3. Take both your White and Red Fuzzy Sticks together and twist them tightly as evenly as possible.
  4. Lastly bend one end to make a hook

Thats it!



Supplies Needed:

  • 2 Green Fuzzy Stick
  • 1 Red Fuzzy Stick


  1. Take your 2 Green Fuzzy Sticks and twist them together.
  2. Then bend it in half.
  3. Take your bent half and your other end and bend it into a circle, twisting the ends together tightly.
  4. The next step is take your Red Fuzzy Stick and cut about 1/3 of it off to make your bow.
  5. Bend the Red Fuzzy Stick to make a small bow.
  6. Then cut off another piece of the Red Stick about 1 inch long.
  7. Attach your Red bow to your Green wreath with the 1 inch Red Fuzzy Stick.

All there is to it!


Christmas Tree


Supplies Needed:

  • 2 White Fuzzy Stick
  • 1 Red Fuzzy Stick
  • 2 Brown Fuzzy Sticks
  • 2 Green Fuzzy Sticks


  1. Take your first Green Fuzzy Stick and bend it into a triangle, securing the ends at the top.
  2. Take 1 of your Brown Fuzzy Sticks and cut it in half. bend it to make a 3/4 rectangle and twist the ends over the triangle to secure it.
  3. Take the other 1/2 of the Brown Fuzzy Stick plus the other whole one and wrap them around your rectangle.
  4. Then take your second Green Fuzzy Stick and size it up to the triangle making sure the ends stick over the bottom and over the top about a 1/2 so you can twist it on to the triangle.
  5. Do the same with another strip of the Green Fuzzy Stick.
  6. Make sure your 2 Green strips are secured to the bottom and the top.
  7. The next step is to take 1 of your White Fuzzy Sticks and bend it into a star.
  8. Cut a 1 inch Stick out of your other White Fuzzy Sticks and wrap it around the middle of your star and the top of the tree, so to secure the star on top of the tree.
  9. Then cut an extra 5   1 inch strips of white and 5    1 inch strips of the red.
  10. Take your strips and wrap them around the green spreading them out as you go.

All Finished!!


Like I said these are really quick to make and the kids will love to help. I hope you enjoy. Please comment back and share your Fuzzy Sticks Ornaments.