Category Archives: Misc

A Cheerio String

 Cheerios on a string

As this has to be the most simplest of all activities. I choose to post the cheerio string because it’s an inexpensive decorating idea that actually looks nice on the tree. (oh and their fun to eat while you are stringing them. )

Supplies needed:

  • yarn (as long as you like)
  • a big box or bag of Cheerios( or any cereal with a whole in the middle. Fruitloops works too and looks nice.)
  • crotchet hook (or anything to use to string the cereal)


  1. Tie a loop around the hook of the crochet needle with the yarn.
  2. Turn the needle over so the button is the side that you stick the cheerio over and the hook will keep the yarn in place.
  3. Slide your Cheerios on and HAVE FUN!!!!!

Leave a comment and remember to come back and share your cereal string photos